Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Simple Woman's Daybook


Outside my window...fall has arrived to Gainesville!  Leaves have fallen to the ground.
I am thinking...Camille is not taking to staying home with me and Meghan very well.  I think she just realized that Meghan demands a lot of my attention.
I am thankful employer that values family.

From the learning rooms...Camille is working on writing her name.  I gave my first lecture ever today.  It was for work and was on how to write a manuscript clearly and cohesively.  I think it went pretty well.  Thanks for asking ;-)
From the is almost 5:00 and I have not even thought about dinner yet.
I am creating...blogs about our trip to Ecuador.
I am work tomorrow.  Ugh...another 12 hour day.
I am reading...nothing...but thinking about checking out a few Kurt Vonnegut books from the library.  It has been a while since I read for pleasure.

I am hoping...Meghan gains some weight.  She had her 6 month check-up today and we discovered she has lost weight in the last 3 months and hasn't grown any taller.  Please pray for her growth.  Her pediatrician (and I) am very concerned about this.  If she doesn't grow remarkably in the next month, she will have to undergo a battery of blood tests.

I am hearing...Camille's "white noise" fan in her bedroom.  She finally took a nap!

Around the house...I am slowly restoring order.  I have aspirations of keeping things tidier as a work at home mommy.
One of my favorite things...Meghan can now pull herself to standing in the co-sleeper and likes to lean over my bed and smile at me in the morning.  (Even though she's not growing, she has managed to learn how to crawl and pull herself up at a very early age.)
A few plans for the rest of the week: SAI meeting on Saturday morning at our house.  Otherwise, we have no plans.  Hooray!
Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...My sisters and I love to get pictures of the 3 of us together at wedding dances.  Here is a cute "sisters" picture of Camille and Meghan at the wedding in Ecuador.

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