Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window... sunshine and heat!  Yesterday the temperature was in the 90's!

I am thinking...Camille's eczema is going to get much worse once she starts swimming lessons next week.  Chlorine every day is going to leave her with skin like an alligator.

I am thankful for...chai every morning.  Yum!

From the kitchen...Granny made us dinner last night.  Usually I cook dinner, but she offered to do it since I haven't been moving much. The chicken and rice hotdish was delicious!

I am wearing... my new PJ's mom gave me for mother's day.  They're dark purple with lime green dots and really cute!

I am creating... a grocery list. (Yes, I know, boring, and the same as last week...) That's what I do on Tuesdays.  Wednesday is double coupon day here.

I am going...absolutely nowhere!  I was pondering a trip to Sam's club and the grocery store, but have to wait until my daily dose of ibuprofen kicks in.

I am reading...CNN.com.  Ken and I are following the Casey Anthony trial.

I am hoping... Meghan does not get the chicken pox.  She was exposed to my shingles and wasn't vaccinated for them until Monday.  We have already been pretty much quarantined for the last several days and I would hate to have this continue too much longer.  Also, I bought new shoes for zumba and really want to try them out at the Y on Friday.  Hopefully we'll all be in good shape by then!

I am hearing...the girls playing with eachother.  We had a rough start to the morning, but Meghan's nap seems to have cheered them both up.

Around the house... disaster!  I have barely moved from the couch in three days and have pretty much let the girls run amok.  There's always time for cleaning tomorrow...

One of my favorite things...hearing Meghan talk.  She has several words in her spontaneous vocabulary now and she also repeats what we say.

A few plans for the rest of the week...doctor's appointments.  I have my shingles re-checked on Thursday and Meghan has a post-op appointment for her eye.  Unfortunately, it appears that Meghan's tear duct has already closed up again.  Her eye has been water for a couple of days.

Here is a picture (or two) I thought of sharing... we went to a farm a few weeks ago.  The girls had fun!

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