Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Camille?

There was a little girl
who had a little curl
right in the middle of her forehead.
And when she was good,
she was very, very good.
And when she was bad,
she was horrid.

This past weekend the girls and I went to mass on Sunday morning. Unfortunately, Meghan cried almost the entire time and Camille squirmed, fidgeted and talked throughout the mass.  Camille is usually pretty good, but this weekend she was terrible.  In addition, I was short a pair of hands as Ken was out of town. She lost right to get donuts after mass by the time the gospel started. 
For some reason at communion, Camille decided to behave.  She put her hands together like an acolyte at a Latin mass and held them in that manner while walking up the aisle, bowed her head to receive a blessing, and then kept her hands together during the entire walk to the back of the church.

Furthermore, as she passed by the holy water font, she expertly dipped her right hand in and made the sign of the cross reverently.  Before re-entering the pew, she genuflected with utmost sincerity.  During announcements, she asked me if she could finally talk to "her friend Jesus" then knealt down and told him her worries (monsters under the bed and wolves that could eat little Camille Purple-hoodie).

How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand?

Friday, January 21, 2011

A Simple Woman's Daybook


Outside my is another gloomy day.  We have had very little sunshine since returning from Christmas.  I am pondering moving south for the winter...

I am thinking...I need to focus on getting a new camera.  I need to capture these growing girls of mine!  At the rate we drop cameras, we are definitely getting a fairly cheap one.

I am thankful for...unexpected blessings.

From the learning rooms...we have all taken a break and have been having fun doing some arts and crafts.  Camille received a ton of great activities as gifts for Christmas so we have been enmeshed in Play-Doh, paints, coloring, and making necklaces.

From the kitchen...I have seriously been slacking off, and I think mutiny is nearing if I serve Ken and Camille left-over chicken barley soup one more time.  We have all had terrible colds and my appetite is absent this week.  Any ideas for dinner?

I am creating...a schedule of volunteers to lead the rosary this weekend before each of the 6 masses at our church.  I'm thinking I need to find a parish with fewer mass times.  This weekend is the anniversary of the Roe vs Wade decision.  Please say a rosary for the unborn.

I am have a very busy weekend.  Young Married's group at church on Friday, SAI meeting on Saturday, and rosaries at all masses the rest of the weekend.

I am reading...Find More Time: How to Get Things Done at Home, Organize Your Life, and Feel Great About It by Laura Stack.  I had reserved it from the library several months ago.  Humorously, the previous person that had this book renewed it about 3 times before returning it.  I guess they really needed the book!  I'm about halfway through.  For the most part we already use all of her organizing tips for the home.  My personality is the main item that needs "organizing".  Learning to say "no" is a big challenge for me.  I like to blame it on genetics.

I am hoping...we all feel better by Friday.  Ken has the worst of it and has been up coughing for several nights in a row.

I am hearing...birds chirping!

Around the house...we have fully "recovered" from Christmas.  I do need to do some vacuuming and sweeping as Camille caught Meghan trying to chase and then eat the dust bunnies.

One of my favorite things...watching Camille and Meghan play with their singing mirror toy.  They squish their heads together, put their arms around eachother and sing to the music.  I am so happy to have 2 girls.  My sisters are very dear to me, and I love watching the sisterly relationship grow right in front of me.

A few plans for the rest of the week: Young Married's group at church on Friday, SAI meeting on Saturday, and rosaries at all masses the rest of the weekend.

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...We received a sugar cookie kit from Ken's aunt for Christmas.  Camille and I made the cookies on Monday afternoon.  I asked Camille to sprinkle the cookies, turned my back to take more cookies out of the oven, and this was the result:
(Note Camille's folded hands in the picture as she poses, quite satisfied with her work.)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas. Vacation.

Tuesday. 3 AM. Drive to Sanford. Fly to Fargo. Drive to St. Paul. Blizzard. White knuckles. Pray. Sleep.

Wednesday. Grandma Ward. New assisted living. Dinner. Green Mill. No friends.

Thursday. Toby. Cafe News. Lunch. St. Agnes Alumni Bash. Sleep.

Christmas Eve. Grandma Loney. Lasagne. Midnight mass. Ken. Sleep.

Christmas Day. Mass. Missy. Alone. Lunch. Ham. Wards. Dinner. Squash soup. Turkey. Lambs.

Sunday. Snow. Shovel. Play.

Monday. Lunch. Christian. Plum's Bar. Dinner. Aunt Sandy. Soup. Polish Poker.

Tuesday. 6:30 AM. Drive to Fargo. Dinner. Loney family Christmas. Tambourines. Maracas. Loud.

Wednesday. Centerpieces. Clay. Cousins. Snow. Play. Dinner.

Wedding Eve. 5AM. Camille. Stomach flu. Party preparations. Rehearsal. Groom's dinner. Blizzard. Car Stuck. Ice. Snow. 6 adults. 3 children. Burned rubber.

Wedding Day. 5AM. Camille. Still sick. Snow. Bride chases plow. Blizzard. Again. Camille. Aggressive rehydration. Positive thinking. Hair. Dresses. Snow. Pictures. Snow. Wedding. Beautiful. Snow. Wind. Bridesmaids. Dresses. Sweat pants. Boots. Reception. Happy New Year. Hotel. Sleep.

Saturday. Roads closed. Gifts opened. Reserve hotel. Roads plowed. Cancel hotel. 6PM. Highway closed. Loney house not plowed. Re-reserve hotel. Polish poker. Swimming pool. Sleep.

Sunday. AM. Highway closed. Backroads to airport. No luggage. Ship later. Fly to Florida. Car battery dead. Jump. Drive. Meghan hungry. Stop. Feed Meghan. Engine smoke. Tow truck 1 hour. Nick. Ride home.  Kids in bed. Ken and Missy. Rum cake.